Contributors who made this day happen...
This page is a heartfelt thanks to all the people and contributors who helped us through our ups and downs, all those who stood by our side in our time of need. Many more people uplifted our relationship, and we are humbly grateful to everyone out there. We would like to thank all these contributors.

Sanatan Dharma
A Profound Sense of Inquiry
You are trying to take the Sanatana Dharma into the platform of a university. This actually means you are trying to put an ultimate process on a limited academic platform. A time has come when it has to be done – there is no question. But it is important to take a few fundamental precautions to see it does not become another theological process but a stimulant for people to seek.
The Sanatana Dharma is not about telling you something that you have to believe or else you are dead. This is not that kind of culture. I tell you something that will raise more questions in you than you ever imagined possible. The entire process of the Sanatana Dharma is to raise questions in you, not to give you readymade answers – to raise questions, to deepen the questioning in such a way that you will naturally find the source of all this. To bring that dimension of seeking, it is very important that the necessary precautions are taken to see that it does not become another theological study.

The Man, The Mystic
Our two eyes can capture the physical world, that which can block light but are blind to all else. Only by opening the third eye can one perceive that which is seen and unseen. This is the realm of mysticism, of knowing life in its full depth and dimension. Sadhguru is a bridge into this mysterious arena of life. It is a homecoming, a settling back into yourself.
Sadhguru has made a huge contribution to the betterment of our lives. We, as a couple, hold our utmost gratitude towards our Guru, our Support, and our Existence. Having personally visited the Isha Yoga Centre, Coimbatore, we would like to impart our experience to those who are connected with us and may connect soon. Sadhguru as a mentor has guided us through our tough times. We would also be glad to make this experience possible in your lives. It would be a humble request to those reading this, to attempt Sanatan Dharma, thrive to be a true sanatani, and make your own life exuberant.
Enlightenment happens quietly, like the blossoming of a flower.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
The Creator of Purna Swaraj
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj also spelled as Sivaji was born on 19 February 1630. He was born at Shivneri which is a hill fort in Junnar in Poona, now known as Pune. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj took birth into a family of bureaucrats. His father Shahji Bhonsale was a great Maratha general in the army of Bijapur Sultanate and his mother Jijabai was a great devotee of religion. He was the founder of the great Maratha kingdom of India. He was one of the bravest and marvelous rulers in the 17th century.
In 1674 during the summer, Shivaji Maharaj had himself enthroned with great fanfare as an independent sovereign. The entire suppressed Hindu majority rallied to him as their great leader. He ruled his domain for almost six years through a cabinet of eight ministers. Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj who devout Hindu, who prided himself on the protector of his religion, broke the tradition by commanding that two of his relatives who had been forcibly converted to Islam should be taken back to Hinduism.
Even though both the Christians, as well as the Muslims often kept on imposing their creeds on the population by force, he respected the beliefs and protected the religious places of both communities. Along with Hindus, many Muslims were also in his service. After his coronation, his most remarkable campaign was in the south. During this campaign, he allied with the Sultans and blocked the grand design of the Mughals to spread their rule over the entire subcontinent.

Dipti and Deepak Gavade
Groom's Parents
One can never forget the contributions of their parents. Our whole material existence is due to their presence. Also, having said that the groom would love to admire and acknowledge every single step taken by his parents towards his material, psychological, spiritual, and monetary development. Ancestors are the ones who are the sole reason for the very body that we possess today. The groom would like to thank the whole lineage and the associated people.
Groom's parents being strict in nature are kind souls, who had always worked for the development of those all around. Parents are the most precious gifts anyone can get. However, as not everyone has them, we consider ourselves lucky that we do. They are the strength and support system of children and help them out always. Moreover, parents have trained the groom to overcome challenges and have always made the best decision for him.
Jyoti and Deepak Padekar
Bride's Parents
Coming from a below-average family background, the brides' parents have worked their way up in their lives to bring out the most possible lovable life for their only child. They worked hard day in and day out so that they could educate their daughter, to a stage where now they are about to marry her as per her choices.
The hard work and efforts put forth by parents are commendable and this is what we have today, the very girl, dressed as a bride, standing tall in the auditorium.
Parents mean different things to different people. To most of us, they are our source of happiness and protection. They are the ones who are the closest to us and understand our needs without having to say them out loud. Similarly, they love us unconditionally for who we are without any ifs and buts.
Pooja and Amit Hadkar
Groom's Sister and in law
From shopping to helping out there has been an invisible hand around us all the time. Preparing for our timely wedding festivities, we as a couple would like to thank our sister and brother-in-law, for their wholesome contribution in choosing and accompanying us in shopping activities, despite their busy schedule.
Gawde & Padekar Families
Relatives play an equally important role in the family. A family does not mean dependence, it is a certain partnership that you formed. Partnerships are relevant only when both people are willing and they are going in a certain direction together. If both partners are constantly concerned about each other’s well-being, the partnership is meaningful. If it is all about you, either in terms of family or in terms of profession or in terms of spirituality – whichever way – partnership is irrelevant for such a person. If you stay together you will create a big mess for both people.
You do not stay in a family because of duty. You stay in a family because there is a bond of love that you have formed. If there is a bond of love no one needs to tell you what to do and what not to do. You will do what is needed.
This is the very bond that has been achieved with each of our relatives. We all together have strived hard to work for each other in times of need. We humbly accept and have a sense of gratitude to all the relatives those contributed to our existence today.

Our Beloved Friends
Friends who were always there
In this age of social media, the possibilities to reach and connect with people across the world have multiplied in an unprecedented manner. Add friends at the click of a button, keep them updated with your latest tweets or quickly build a following on your blog – the networking options are almost limitless. As the number of our virtual friends and followers multiply, have you ever wondered, how much of it is really “real?” What does friendship mean to you?
Friendship is not an advantageous transaction or give-and-take, for us friendship is a certain overlapping of life. Life has been very generous to have blessed us with such a great family and friends. Our friends have always been around in tough as well as good times. Helping each other out was the way we all grew together. Each has its ups and downs, but all of us have been growing together. From no money to owing our own vehicles, from having nothing to eat to enjoying the delicacies of our choice, from playing football on the road to that on a turf, from bunking classes to attending spiritual lectures, from pubs to temples, we all had a beautiful journey together with each contributing in their own way.